Friday, October 11, 2013

Every week I sit through a three hour communicating leadership class. This week the professor asked : what can be hindering to following your passion? This question, posed at me in most unbelievably perfect time in my life, left me stood still - all I could think was 1. How does she know my life and 2.. Why did it seem like my passion was truly out of sight?

Recently, I've felt I'm spread thin. As if I'm going in 5 million directions and doing 10 million different things in my life. Even though each hour of school, work, maintaing somewhat of a social life, and staying in shape all serve a purpose in my life, it doesn't seem like I'm quite fulfilled - there is something missing. That fiery passion that left me restless at night and so eager for a new day seems to be wandering somewhere else these days, however ever since the question was posed by my teacher its triggered me to figure out why it's been hiding from me.

I think it's safe to say that sometimes we overdo ourselves and throw piles and piles onto our plate that we tend to think is much bigger than actuality. I tend to like a lot on my plate, but if there isn't a burger tucked in there, something just isn't feeling right. (For those who know idea who I am, I love burgers -- get it now?) Anyway, for me I found that I neglected some of the joys in my life and let them get lost in the jumble of unnecessary burdens resulting in a loss of sight for some things I truly love to do. Things that are motivating, empowering, inspiring and ultimately get me excited on continue to pursue. 

Whether its jumping into my blog, finding time to sit on a paddle board or even submerging myself in a book I've realized it's extremely important to hold onto a passion. not only does it pull positive energy out of you and into something bettering in your life, it also puts even more back into you and ignites fire within. .

I guess where I'm going with this, aside from using my blog to recap the thoughts I didn't feel like pouring out in class, is that a passion creates motivation, goals, provides happiness, and get's ya all warm and giddy inside. In other words, don't lose sight of things you truly find enjoyment in because when you have a natural desire and love for something you'll find it's a road to success and happiness all in one. 

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