Saturday, August 8, 2015

Celeste Summer Resurgence

Going through past blog posts it seems we break up and get back together far to frequent. Since the last update, it's been a complete dive into my brand, 12th Tribe. Having 50 jobs in one has made it hard for me to a lot time to something else, but each time I get away from this thing, I find myself craving it back in my life. With that said, I'm here to stay! Once a week at least ;) 

One of the things I have learned when starting a business is the importance of connecting with like minded people, people who have been through what you are experiencing, or individuals who are on the same beaten path. While chasing your dream is thrilling, exciting and inspiring, with it comes hardships and struggles. There is nothing that keeps me moving forward more than being inspired by people battling the same battle, and as I learn what I can, I only hope to share with you what will keep you moving on.

It is truly amazing the impact connecting with people can have in ones life. Exposing yourself to new characters, people from the same upbringing or people from an entire different world, can each be a positive experience in itself. The magic of meeting new people though comes with the power of having an open mind. You will face circumstances and ideas that may not be in sync with yours, but understanding the value a new perspective can hold will expand your willingness and ability to connect with people and learn more than you have before.

With that said, I challenge you to go meet someone new this week. We're all a little bit weird out here, but remember weirder the better ;) 

O U T F I T ** D E T A I L S

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